ASTRONEER![Astroneer [v] (2016) PC | RePack от SpaceX](
Год выхода: 2016
Жанр: Adventure, Space, Indie
Разработчик/Издательство: System Era Softworks
Язык интерфейса: 

Язык озвучки: -
Тип издания: RePack
Таблетка: Вшита (CODEX)

Операционная система: Microsoft® Windows® 7 / 8 / 10 (64 Bit)
Процессор: Intel® Core™ i3 2.66 GHz
Оперативная память: 4096 Mb
Звуковая плата: Аудиокарта, совместимая с DirectX® 9.0с
Графический ускоритель: 1024 Mb, OpenGL 3.0
Свободное место на HDD: 2.5 Gb
ASTRONEER – это яркое и красивое космическое путешествие, события в котором происходят в эпоху межгалактических открытий в XXV веке, когда человечество добралось до границ космического пространства. Рискуя собственной жизнью, космооткрыватели в суровых условиях исследуют неизведанное и постигают тайны Вселенной.
ЦитатаКто-то писал:
Below you can find the CHANGELOG:
Welcome to the Automation Update! This content update contains a full array of tools that work seamlessly with the existing game to give you an incredible amount of options to use custom logic to automate every part of your space bases and technology! This update also contains a ton of quality of life changes to modules, a balance and organization pass in the catalog, a new in-game event with rewards, and the rollout of Exo Outfitters!
- Auto Arms automatically transfer small items into open slots. These items are at the core of Automation, and can be used in a variety of ways to automate tasks that would previously require manual intervention. You can also set a filter to Auto Arms to make sure they look for a specific resource to make smarter automation pipelines and/or to sort resources!
- Auto Extractors can be used to gather resources automatically without deforming terrain and at a much higher efficiency. Place one on a resource node and it will gather 15x the resources from the same amount of raw resources when compared to gathering them manually with the terrain tool.
- Hold a large amount of a single resource. Medium and Large Storage containers act like a silo that can be used to consolidate one resource into it's reservoir. You can then grab resources from them for crafting or Automation tasks.
- Sensors and Repeaters allow for the remote activation of items based on various conditions. You can then create logic that can be used to automate a variety of tasks. Use the Power Sensor to trigger a backup generator when wind power dies down. Use a storage sensor to activate crafting modules based on a specific Resource Container. Trigger a battery sensor to make sure you are being as efficient as possible with generators and renewable energy.
[AS-4403] - After reloading a Save, Packager can be used while it is attached to an item
[AS-6195] - After reloading a save, power does not extend to additional platforms if there is not a surplus of power
[AS-6355] - the Splitter now provides no power when the slider is set to 0.00
[AS-6599] - Canceling research in the research chamber while it is not connected to power will now stop it from continuing to consume power
[AS-6711] - B/m power meter on the Research Chamber remains present and accurate after reloading a save
[AS-8788] - Packaging the platform holding an active module will no longer give the module infinite power
[AS-8952] - If the Soil Centrifuge is running, its control panel no longer shows a Red X cancel button
[AS-9195] - The Large Storage Ring should now only be listed in the Large Printer
[AS-9748] - Game no longer crashes when User tries to research a T2 research object that was packaged while on the Research Chamber
[AS-10762] - If a user has multiple soil canisters on their backpack and they add or flatten terrain, the canisters will now deplete individually
[AS-10808] - Chemistry lab will no longer steal partial nuggets from the backpack printer if both are activated near the same time
[AS-10926] - The output slot where the nugget gets built should now move inside the module when the Chem Lab is in use
[AS-10667] - EXO Request Platforms from previous saved events should now have T2 slots
[AS-10996] - Several emotes now show the correct preview on the correct suit in the customization menu
[AS-11010] - The Control (PS4) Suit is now playing correct emote animations
[AS-11039] - Laterite resource should now be appearing in the terrain on Crust layer of Calidor
[AS-11094] - Lighting is no longer too dark too early at sundown, and staying dark too late at dawn
[AS-11240] - Smelting Furnace now has audio effect when in use
Наша огромная солнечная система состоит из семи удивительных планет. Игроки могут перемещаться между ними и исследовать каждый сантиметр их поверхности, спускаясь все глубже в опасные пещеры, чтобы раскрыть тайны ядра. Ландшафты уникальны: космооткрывателям предстоит столкнуться с разнообразными сложностями при освоении каждого из них, а биомы пещер таят множество ни на что не похожих загадок.
Из предметов, которые находят и создают космооткрыватели в ходе игры, можно составлять любые комбинации. Переделывайте и украшайте свои базы и транспортные средства и меняйте внешность своего космооткрывателя.
Совершайте открытия и разгадывайте тайны солнечной системы.
Как только космооткрыватели будут готовы, они смогут попытаться понять и подчинить себе силу, когда-то создавшую таинственные сооружения, разбросанные по всему миру.
ОсновноеУстанови и играй!За основу взята лицензия Steam (ID: 361420)
Версия игры: v1.13.121.0
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Качество аудио 100%
Качество видео 100%
ДополненияПрочее::Релиз от SpaceX::

25.06.20 - Торрент обновлен. Игра обновлена до версии v1.13.121.0 (Automation Update)
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